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How to Make Effective Suggestions

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Staff member
Dear World of Metin2 players,

As team members of this game, we are always open to hearing your feedback and suggestions. We value your input and want to work together with you to improve and perfect the game since we are always a work in progress no matter the state of the game. In this forum thread, we'd like to provide some guidance on how to make effective suggestions that we can take into consideration.
  1. Be specific*: When making a suggestion, be as specific as possible. This will help us understand your idea and how it could be implemented in the game. Instead of simply saying "add more content," provide specific suggestions on what type of content you would like to see added and how it could enhance the game.
  2. Be constructive*: We appreciate suggestions that are constructive and offer solutions to problems. Instead of simply pointing out a flaw or issue, offer suggestions on how it could be addressed. This shows that you are invested in the game and want to help improve it.
  3. Consider the impact on the game*: When making a suggestion, consider the potential impact it could have on the game. Some suggestions may seem great on the surface but could have unintended consequences or disrupt the balance of the game. Make sure to consider how your suggestion could impact other aspects of the game.
  4. Provide feedback on current features*: In addition to making new suggestions, providing feedback on current features can also be helpful. Let us know what you like and don't like about the current state of the game. This feedback can help us make changes to existing features that will improve the game for everyone.
  5. Attach helpful screenshots, videos, or documents: If you have helpful screenshots, videos, or documents that support your suggestion, please attach them to your post. This will give us a better understanding of your suggestion and help us visualize how it could be implemented in the game.
  6. Prioritize your suggestions: If you have multiple suggestions, prioritize them based on what you think would have the biggest impact on the game. This will help us focus on the most important changes first.
  7. Keep your suggestion concise: While it's important to be specific, try to keep your suggestion concise and to the point. A long, rambling suggestion may be difficult to understand and may not get the attention it deserves.
  8. Check for duplicates: Before making a suggestion, check to see if it has already been suggested by someone else. If it has, consider adding your support to the existing suggestion rather than making a duplicate post.
  9. Be patient: While we value your suggestions, please understand that we may not be able to implement them all immediately. Making changes to a game requires careful consideration and testing to ensure that they will not have unintended consequences.
  10. Be respectful: Finally, please be respectful when making suggestions. Remember that there are real people behind the game who work hard to bring you the best possible experience. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but insults or personal attacks are not productive and will not be tolerated.
We hope these tips will help you make effective suggestions that we can consider for the game. Thank you for your continued support and feedback.

Warm wishes,
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