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Exorcism Scroll Removal From Item Mall


Active member
Hello everyone.
Why Exorcism Scroll has been removed instead of Hermit's Advice?
Let's discuss.
I farm bosses all day long, and I have opened hundreds of chests. I get only hermit's from them, not even 1 exo scroll.
Exo scroll on shops was about 1.5kk/1.7kk cheapest yesterday night, and hermit's advice cheapest found was 900k yang (much more for 1kk). Later when I have bought cheapest exo, the left on market started with price 2.5kk. [it was before item mall release].
My question is, why instead of Hermit's Advice staff decided to remove Exorcism Scroll and what do you think about?
Im gonna test few other places to try drop exo and I will share the results later ;)


Active member
The main reason you could read in announcement, they want to avoid ppl making G skills in one day that led to WoM3's failure, I guess they must have forgotten about Bonus Cascading idea?

I see nothing wrong in it to be in IS, but they won't change their minds now, so any discussion is pointless.


Active member
I got it, but there should be any source available ingame. I will check few others places when I reach 75 level to see if Im able to get any exo scroll. For me its also okay if there is possibility other than quests to get exo. I didn't mean to force them to add exo back to item mall(y)