Recent content by Acorn

  1. Acorn

    King fishers +9

    I like the idea, but 20av actually is a decent increase. I suspect they might just lower the av of previous upgrades and make +8->+9 go from like 50av to 80-90av.
  2. Acorn


    Battlepass needs to change. No tiers, just make the battlepass something fun to complete. Remove the OP rewards at the end, make it so a casual player can complete it too. I have never seen a battlepass where players need to do ~200+ hrs of work to complete it in a MONTH. Make the rewards match...
  3. Acorn

    Server player count goes down and down

    Red Forest is perfect? Am I living in an alternate universe or is it actually farmable?
  4. Acorn

    Server player count goes down and down

    It would be very interesting to see a distribution of ACTIVE players and their levels. I have a feeling majority of active players are actually between lv 70-90. It just feels as though the game lacks variety at those levels and I suspect that's where most players actually quit. Like people...
  5. Acorn

    Server player count goes down and down

    1. Promoter side, basically the rewards for being a promoter are pretty terrible so there's no incentive to create content (plus there's a certain German company out there hunting promoters like there's no tomorrow so you can never have proper growth). Make incentives to promote the game more...
  6. Acorn

    Allow players to store mount skins

    Is this thread going to be considered or are we just throwing our money out every time we buy a mount skin?
  7. Acorn

    Allow players to store mount skins

    Well, the mount skins already give a flat attack value bonus. Like I said, if they don't want people to be swapping between mount skins all the time they could add a cooldown or an itemshop item to allow players to swap between the mount skins, but it is really unfair that we have to give up a...
  8. Acorn

    Allow players to store mount skins

    Hello all! I would like to make a suggestion of allowing players to store their mount skins after using them. A similar system to the costume and hairstyle storage system. To me, and I suspect a lot of other players it doesn't make much sense as to why we are forced to give up skins we like for...
  9. Acorn

    beta upgrade items imbalance

    This might come out abit left field, but why don't we randomise the drops for each class of boss? That way all bosses will be contested and we can all benefit from dropping the upgrade mats. Obviously keep the disparity between elite and basic level bosses but surely this will help the market abit?
  10. Acorn


    My personal opinion is to watch the market, and if prices keep increasing and remain at a point of 10kk+ then maybe a change to drop/time might need to happen. I don't believe a change from 1h to 2h is really needed, but potentially an increase in drop might be needed if prices keep climbing and...
  11. Acorn


    Totally agree with @Zwierz , lv 110 metins are essentially like chaos stones.
  12. Acorn

    BP NONSENSE MIssion: Unlocking the Unknown

    Once again we get quests that require us to do a silly amount of work for hardly any reward. +1 100000%
  13. Acorn


    I do think that things could definitely be made easier. I do also think that things such as GT had a massive impact on the market, raising prices and distributing some wealth around the server. Obviously I am not a fan of the roulette aspect of the game, but we have to accept this is the game's...
  14. Acorn

    JohnWarosa's return

    Hello all! Just an update, as I have now moved to TWITCH, all my vods will be available exclusively on my youtube channel as unlisted. This means the only way to access the videos is to have the link to the video. I will be updating this thread with every new livestream and upload. WoM2 1 WoM2...
  15. Acorn

    Fishing system rework

    Just make the fishing system like the bot system check "Click all squares with fish on it" and we're all good, fishing system saved 😆. In all honesty though, fishing does need some love, it is absolutely useless at the moment to fish unless you have nothing better to do, it's a massive waste of...