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Considering Kraft


New member
pretty sure fish bones have some sort of utility cuz i’ve been managing to sell some but on the other hand maybe add a trading option at the fisherman e.g. 20 fish bones for a better bait


Maybe something like 10-15 fishbones and some dead fishes for 1 clam? This would be a fair trade ^^


Game Master
Staff member
Game Master

It wouldn't be the worst solution. Just think of the people who have been fishing since the beginning of the game. They probably already have 300 Fishbones. How will this affect Clams prices? Maybe not much, I just think too much. Either way, we already have plenty of places to get Clam.
My suggestion would be Fisherman's Chests, which can be crafted from various worthless items. Also, maybe a key? I leave that to the Game Designers.
If you have more ideas, let us know.

Have a nice day,


Yeah, maybe a Fisherman's chest and you can add a key as a drop from monsters for that chest. This crafting wont have any impact on the marked because right now there is a high demand on claims and there are few shops.


New member
Hmm, still nothing after 1 year:D
Would be great to have something like a fisherman's chest craftable with the new fishing update. (ofc not very easy to craft and not insane drops, maybe some fishing books, special bait, a rare chance for a pearl or a rare fish, clam idk).
This is just to make fishing in-game more entertaining and rewarding at all levels. Cheers.