Recent content by AdamlMalysz

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    Naaga drop needs rework, pet exp ring has limited use, red checheom has limited price due to tainted version available at npc. The dungeon itself is a bit long and Is nowhere near profitability of 70 or 60 lvl metins
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    I think the translator trolled you, because one sentence you say you want use full push at dojang, the other sentence you say you don't want full push at dojang. As far as I know liquids and hero's medal don't work at dojang already
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    I think the dojang is fine in general, but just very few people are prepared for it due to the fact how slow the server is. The winning itself is good enough reward IMO :D Bo5 for the final and Bo3 for other duels sounds better, maybe with exception if the winner of 1st duel has more than 75% hp...
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    white sky gem

    the funniest thing is that if we consider how bad is the drop of white sky gem and that you don't get any other drop or even decent exp that's still a low price xD
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    Server player count goes down and down

    Metin is game where strength of your character is strongly correlated with time and money invested in it. If you allow progressing too quickly the players from current top will mostly leave because they finish everything that can be done, have some fun with pvp and they have nothing more to do...
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    belt cost

    Alternative for this belt is linen belt that gives 1000 hp +400hp from ores. so 1400 hp vs 8% 1 class resistance. For opvp 1400 hp sounds much better, for 1v1 8% class resistance might be more reasonable. BUT here comes the cost, linen belt was around 700kk last time I checked the price, while...
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    Battle Pass Problems

    If every noob can finish bp it will become useless
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    Zielona zmianka

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    Adjust Metin Amounts for BP

    BP is just not worth doing for high lvl players. The only reason I did it was to break the playing routine, but if you want to be efficient you should just do your normal farming and buy the final reward scroll from other players.
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    beta upgrade items imbalance

    it doesn't solve the problem with useless upgrade materials
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    Ss cooldowm

    108 days on this server is like nothing and doesn't feel like a lot of time. Worth to mention also that you don't need all 6 skills at P to start pvp, even with 4 skills it's good enough for most of the classes.
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    Closed Double standards

    Honestly I dont give a fck about some random insulting me in online game, but if I get muted for insulting and he doesn't I start to care. That's the issue I have with wom policy and it's not the first time it happens to polish community. Either let us insult each other without any consequence...
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    Closed Who will win the Wom2 Grand Guild Tournament?

    not needed everyone knows it's either Col or Hated ;)
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    thief's glove

    personally I prefer 1h glove as it gives more flexibility, so instead of expanding the time, I would prefer to increase the drop and make gloves stackable.
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    Rejoin Dungeons

    +1 as long as unstuck option is not working we need rejoin dungeon